Introducing the ultimate online
backing track generator
Practice your playing with the help of simple and easily creatable backing tracks.

- Create and listen to backing tracks by entering chord changes and selecting a playing style
- Download chord sheets as pretty PDFs
- Download tracks in OGG, MP3 and MIDI formats
- Attach comments to track parts
- Publicly or privately share your creations
What is it?
TheMajor7 is a professional and easy-to-use backing track generator web app. Create your own realistically sounding backing music and improve your soloing skills. Perfect for singers or for practicing jazz and blues guitar/bass.
How does it work?
Create a simple backing track in a matter of seconds by choosing a desired playing style and entering the chord changes. Even more complex compositions should present very little trouble. You can also download backing tracks to practice offline!
What can I play?
Play along your own songs, or practice over free backing tracks created by our community, ranging from jazz and blues to reggae.
What does it offer?
Users can create backing tracks of various length in several different styles and tempos. All tracks can be shared publicly - enabling the sharing of tracks, opinions and tips.
More on prices and features.